Why simulate

A CFD simulation is often used to develop or improve a product. It is also a good way to demonstrate to third parties that your product or installation works the way you say it works. This allows you to sell or get approval for your product.

Detailed calculation
A CFD simulation is a more detailed calculation method compared to standard design calculations. Standard calculation rules must be suitable for a wide range of applications and often larger margins are applied. A CFD simulation is dedicated for a specific situation. This can often lead to (financial) savings.

Comprehensible results
The results of a CFD simulation are often appealing and therefore also commercially interesting. They help to show how your product works in an understandable way and give a high-tech feel to your product.

Design phase
You can perform a CFD simulation during the design phase itself. This allows you to optimize your product at an early stage. Less practical tests are required and design re-iterations at a later stage can be avoided, which both will save costs.

Alternative to a test
Simulations are an alternative to a practical test or measurements with a number of advantages:

  • In some cases it is simply not possible to test in real life because it is impossible or because it is too expensive, too complex or too dangerous.
  • A CFD simulation is usually faster compared to (setting up) a test.
  • A CFD simulation is usually cheaper than a test.
  • A CFD simulation is often more practical than a test because it is more controllable. You can always test under the same conditions and the test by means of CFD is always exactly repeatable.
  • In a CFD simulation you can measure any variable anywhere, even afterwards if the test has already been performed. Since a CFD is a virtual environment, measuring variables is equivalent to a non-intrusive test environment, thus not affecting the test itself.
  • In a CFD simulation you don't need to rescale the products, which is often necessary for a test. You don't have to convert the obtained results to full scale with all associated uncertainty.

Do you require a CFD simulation?