
With a CFD simulation, the behavior of gases and liquids is calculated using the computer. It can be considered as a digital test environment that provides insight into the operation of your product or installation, large or small.

We provide simulations for a wide variety of disciplines. An overview of the fields in which we are active can be found on the expertise page. The example blogs provide insight into the broad diversity of our work.

There are numerous reasons why you want to have a CFD analysis conducted for your product. For example, when you are developing a product and/or would like an alternative to an experimental test. In certain cases you might want to use a CFD simulation to (independently) demonstrate to others that your product works as you say it works. This can be used to convince potential customers or regulatory bodies to obtain permits.

Why a CFD simulation?

How do we work?

We deliver CFD simulations within a short timeframe. The work flow for a project is as follows.

(Click on the arrows to go through the steps)

Get a clear picture of the objective and purpose

During our first contact we try to determine exactly the purpose of the simulation, making sure that the result is as useful as possible.

Gather all required knowledge and necessary information

For most subjects we have all required knowledge and experience in setting up the simulations. In the case of new topics, we will first make ourselves familiar with the subject and gather knowledge specific for the subject.

Creating the 3D CFD model

The first step in setting up a CFD simulation is to create a 3D model. Various assumptions are already made in this phase, such as what are the extents of the simulation domain and which parts are relevant for its purpose.

Create a calculation grid (mesh)

When the 3D model is finished, it will be provided with a calculation grid. This grid splits the 3D model into a large number of small elements that are used for the calculation. There are specific requirements for this grid. A (local) finer grid (more elements) increases the accuracy at relevant locations. Depending on the type of simulation, there are other requirements, for instance for the quality of the elements (deviation from ideal shape).

Set up physics

In this phase the simulation is set up. Which physical processes are important for the purpose of the simulation? Does heat transfer play a role? If so, is this only by convection, or also by conduction and radiation? Are there any chemical reactions? What role does turbulence play? Where can the fluids enter the model? And at what speed, pressure or temperature? Are there extra resistances? Or is there a fan or pump that should be taken into account? And there is much more we can model...

Executing the simulation

When the simulation has been set up, it is executed by a solver. We possess various software packages but usually work with ANSYS CFX, Fluent or Mechanical. We have our own high performance computing cluster (HPC) with 512 cores, 2TB memory and Infiniband network, which enables us to execute demanding simulations in a short time.

Analyse simulation and provide feedback

Once the simulation has been executed, the results can be analysed. All variables can be analysed at any place and at any time. CFD simulations provide insights into complex problems with clear images. With CFD results, cause and effect becomes understandable and useful analyses can be performed.


If required, all findings from the simulations are described in a report with clear language and clear images. The purpose of the simulation and the conclusions are described. Additionally, all details of the simulations, including all assumptions and starting points, are described, making our reports complete and transparent.